Best Mini Petrol Quad Bikes for Kids

Kids Petrol Quad Bikes Buyer’s Guide


The crossbar on the handlebars should have padding on it.


Kill switch

Adjustable speed limiter

With possible speeds up to 25km/h, one of the most important safety features to get on your child’s quad is a speed limiter. There’s a number of ways bikes do this, including a throttle stop or the ability to set the speed to a max MPH.


Chain drive is the default for kids quads.



Child height and weight

Kids quad bikes that run on petrol are actually surprisingly robust in that they can take anything up to around 90kg. But it’s worth checking nonetheless. Height is a different matter, but the majority will be fine for anyone up to 5 feet to ride comfortably without feeling cramped.

Shock absorbers

Vented disc breaks

2-stroke engine

Single exhaust or dual exhaust

One of the things you’ll notice when you’re looking to buy a kids ATV is that some have a single exhaust and some offer a double one. The dual one is a slightly better option as it can save energy and increase the engine’s efficiency a little, but it’s not a huge boost either way.

Top speeds

Types of fuel

A common kind of fuel for mini quads is a mix of unleaded petrol and two-stroke oil. You can get this at pretty much every petrol station.


As mini quads are generally used off-road, tyres should be air-filled and at least 4″, with plenty of tread.

Is it pull-start?

This works a bit like a petrol mower (or chain saw, for fans of horror movies) where you’ll pull hard on the end of a chord and start the motor. Most children’s petrol bikes are pull-start.


Kids Petrol Quads: FAQs

In this section, we’re covering some quickfire questions that we see asked a lot. If there’s anything you would like to know about a quad then we’d love to hear from you. Please ask in the comments below.

How fast do kids quads go?

The fastest speeds we’ve seen are 20 – 25mph but it varies from one quad to the next.

Do petrol quads come assembled?

Mostly! You’ll normally have to do some finishing putting together, often including things like attaching wheels and fixing the handlebars in place. It’s straight forwards and you’ll normally get the tools (although they won’t be as good as the ones you have at home…)

What is the minimum age for a child to ride a petrol quad?

The recommended lowest age for a child’s quad is 4 years. Having said that, this is a very early age to start riding a petrol quad. At this age, you’ll need to severely limit the top speed.

What’s the upper age for this quad?

Kids quads don’t use an upper age limit. Instead, the two main specs you’ll need to check are the upper height and the weight limit. So long as a child fits within those, there’s no fixed upper age.

References & Further Reading